Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Chinese & Turks / 汉人与突厥人

The recent Xinjiang riot makes people curious about Uyghur Turks. Who are they? Where are they from? Are they related to our Hans?
Yesterday, I happened to meet a Turkish man on the net. He's a University student majored in Sea Harbour Management. I learned something from him. Previously I heard Uyghur's language is very close to Turkish. Without learning, they can understand each other. So, I'd like to verify that. Here is the conversation between us:
"How to say 'good' in Turkish?"
"Not Yaksi?"
"Strange, I heard one group of people in Xinjiang, they claim their language is very close to yours. It's just like a dialect of Turkish. They say yaksi which means good."
"Yahsi right? Azerbaijan Turks and Uyghur Turks use this word. It means beautiful."
"Can you understand their language?"
"Some vocabularies are the same. Some are similar. Some we can figure out"
According to him, the purpose of Chinese building the Great Wall was to defend the Turks. He also said the Turks are the descendants of Ottoman, and Ottoman is the descendant of Ghengis Khan. He told me Ghengis Khan is also a Turk, which is a wrong concept. In fact, both Turkic language and Mongolic language belong to the Altaic language group. So there might be some similarities. Actually, Ghengis Khan is not at all a Turk, he is a Mongol who killed multi-millions of Chinese and Turks. I don't know why Turks are still worshipping him. Maybe it's because he's good at fighting? Talk about the Great Wall, I never thought it was useful. It was indeed used for defending ethnic groups including Turks. Suddenly I felt Qin Shi Huang did a wonderful thing. He protected Chinese so well. The guy did mention that the Wall consumed lots of their energy, so they decided to go to the west instead. But on the other hand, is that a way to solve the racial conflict simply by letting them in? So that Chinese and Turks would mingle together and alter their natural characteristics? Chinese will have sharper features like: bigger eyes, straight noses, taller and stronger; meanwhile Turks will become much smoother in both physical look and temper? No one knows. But one thing is for sure -- in the end, the whole world will have only one race, because that's where we all came from, the same ancestor. We will go back to that state in the end.
However, currently we are different. Not only the look, but also the character. History played a very important role. Our Chinese are basically farmers. As a farmer, you must be patient. From ploughing, sowing, until harvesting, it will take about a year. Chinese have a habit of living close to each other, learning to be tolerant, mild, gentle, humble (they experience dealing with their neighbours), also more patient as previously explained, shy and introverted; on the other hand, Turks are nomadic people. As a result, they are more hot blooded, short tempered and hospitable in comparison to the Chinese. Chinese are more civil, and 'seem' to be friendly. As I mentioned just now, Chinese are living in a big community, always surrounded by many different people; but Turks hardly mix with outsiders, keeping within their own family circle. You can easily find a Turkish man approaching a girl by saying “Hey, sweetheart, you look so beautiful. I'm attracted by you." This seldom happened among Chinese men as they are more reserved. The reason for this is simple. If that Turkish man doesn't make it quick, when will the next time be? Will he ever see the girl again? Maybe next festival celebration? Maybe several years later? Or perhaps even in the next life? Or only in his dreams! It doesn't mean that Chinese men are shallow and superficial, or that Turkish men are more flirtatious. Their individual history and environment have made it so. We have to understand each other. We must try.

“咦? 不是yaksi?”
据他所说,汉人修建长城就是为了抵御突厥人,他也说他们突厥人是Ottoman的后代,而Ottoman又是成吉思汗的后代,他说成吉思汗也是突厥人。这一点他错了,成吉思汗不是突厥人,而是蒙古人。他以为蒙古人也是突厥人的一部分,其实不然,只是从语言学上来讲,突厥语和蒙古语同属阿尔泰语系,它们之间有着相似点,而成吉思汗这个老家伙可是杀死上亿汉人和突厥人的刽子手噢。 真不知为什么到今天这些突厥人反倒崇拜其他来了。就因为他能征善战么?说道长城,我从来就没觉得这矮矮的墙真的有什么作用,他这么一说,令我忽然觉得秦始皇似乎作了一件大好事,要不是他也许汉人早就不知被人欺负成什么样了,那位土耳其朋友确实提到那城墙消耗了他们太多能量,最后他们放弃了东进的念头,而转而往西。可转念一想,要是没那墙,就让突厥人进来的话也不赖呀,也许现在这两个民族早已合二为一了,那也就没有今天这些麻烦了。而且汉人也可以有着一双更大的眼睛跟高高的鼻子,更加高大与强壮。而突厥人也可以长得更加柔和,这岂不是更妙?只是突厥人身上。。。怎么说来着?那个乾隆皇帝的宠妃。。。身有“异香”,这令我们汉人不大习惯,不过话又说回来了,如果人人都有“异香”的话也就没所谓了。从来没见哪个突厥美眉抱怨一个突厥哥哥说:“Darling, you smell bad。”所以说喽,这问题不大,说到底,最后这世界还是要统一,大势所趋,谁也阻挡不了,因为我们来自同一个祖先,最后还要回去。


Monday, August 24, 2009








Friday, July 3, 2009

世上最牛的骗子 / The most successful swindler in the history

听到这里,想来你已经明白为什么他是千古奇骗了吧。骗子多的是,但多数很快就落入了法网。在众多的骗子中,Madoff算是很成功的一个,他以他的Ponzi Scheme 把全世界包括美联储在内忽悠了二十多年,不幸中招,招来150年的牢狱之灾。而徐大侠不但忽悠了包括皇帝在内的两个国家的所有人,其骗局至今未被戳穿,在他登陆的地方日本政府特意为他建立了公园和博物馆,以表彰他为中日两国友好往来所作出的‘贡献’,两岸三地的游客见到徐的雕像更是有如见到亲人一般。牛吧?

The most successful swindler in the history is Xu Fu. One may ask, "Which Xu fu?" Well, the one who sought longevity in a potion. We may ask again, "Eh? Isn't he the icon of Sino-Japanese friendship? Even today he is highly praised by people from both countries? How come you classify him as a swindler?" That's why I said he's the most successful. Let me elaborate in more detail and you will understand.
Our story goes back to 2000 year ago, when Qin Shi Huang was in power. He was one of the most cruel emperors in Chinese history, who killed people as if killing ants. His subordinates lived in fear everyday in their lives. They were forced into finding means to survive. Some flattered him to make him happy; some saw they had no future with his court, so they chose to leave and started their own business.
Xu fu had no luck in the court, nor did he have the luck with the commercial business. As a result, he decided to migrate. He had heard that the neighbouring island country was famours for its cherry blossom in the spring and amazing maple leaves in the autumn; besides, it had lots of onsen and charming girls. He couldn't help thinking, "why not become a ruler there? I can enjoy my life to the fullest." But it was so far away and would cost him a fortune to achieve as it could not be done alone. Where there's a will, there's a way. One day, a plan suddenly inspired him, "Our emperor is so rich. Why not 'borrow' some money from him?" He proposed this 'longevity pill' during one regular meeting with the Emperor. The poor stupid Emperor did not realised he was conned. Instead, he was so happy with this absurd idea, unwittingly handing over a huge amount of money, and told him to get this pill as soon as possible. Having heard the Emperor's decree, Xu wiped his sweat, put the money in his pocket and left the capital quickly.
On the journey, Xu and his people enjoyed their lives as if they were in the paradise. They stayed in 5-star hotels eating abalone and shark fin soup for each meal. They had spent all of their money by the time they reached Luo Yang. Now there was no choice, they had to stay here. Time flies, 6 years had already passed without being caught.
Back home, Qin Shi Huang was extremely angry. He waited and waited. There were no letters from Xu, let alone longevity pills. "One day I must kill you." He thought angrily. It was such a coincidence that he met Xu Fu when he was on one of his regular official trips to Luo Yang. Xu was so scared. As a cunning and experienced fellow, he quickly regained his calm. Before he was questioned, he said humbly to the Emperor," Your Majesty, we walked day and night in order to get this magic pill for your longevity. But there was a giant fish stopped us from getting it. So we came back for reinforcement. Kindly let me have at least 100 archers so that we can shoot that fish to death." After listening to his sincere talk, Qin Shi Huang's anger was quenched. He gave an even larger amount of money and 100 excellent archers. Again he told him to come back with the pill as soon as possible.
After taking the money, Xu realised that the luck would not be always on his side. So he quickly ran to the land of the cherry flower. His Permanent Resident status arranged with bribery, he then married a few cherry girls, gave speeches when in the mood and the local media would address him as the "new technology introducer". Only he knew himself that he was totally illiterate in technology. He just fabricated information from bits and pieces during the regular meetings, loose ends tied together when he was not dozing.
Now you understand why I classified him as being the most successful swindler in the history, right? There are many swindlers in the world, but most of them were caught. Among those, Madoff was considered quite successful. He bluffed the whole world including IMF, and so on for more than 20 years. He was caught recently and sentenced to 150 years in the prison. But look at our master Xu, he bluffed people from both countries even including the Emperor for more than 2000 years. Even until today, nobody realises that except me. The Japanese Government even built a park and museum to commemorate his contributions to the Sino-Japanese friendships. It is a must-go place for People from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan when they visited Japan. Tears flowed out when they saw his statue. Got the point? wink...